
Food allergy is gone!

Dear Anifit team,

I would also like to give my feedback on the comparison before/after:) My Shi tzu dog suffers from a food allergy...I have tried so much food, had umpteen visits to the vet with my sweetie...until this food was recommended to me by Julia Adler :-) I had really given up hope, didn't know how many creams and other products I should try and then tried Anifit and saw really quick results, for example my Gipsy always had blocked anal glands and I had to express them regularly, not once since Anifit:) and we have also left the vet behind us for now. Her allergy is under control thanks to the food :) no more permanent rashes. I am so happy and grateful that Anifit has helped me and my little one and that the annoying itching and everything else has finally stopped.
I don't know how to express my thanks :-) Your products are simply super. My Gipsy also loves the flakes and the freeze-dried stuff :-)
Best wishes and endless gratitude to Anifit.

Nina-Kristin Pahl

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